We have recently had a number of cases of Chickenpox . Please ensure you check your child regularly and if you are unsure seek medical advice from your local GP.
Chickenpox are highly contagious and can spread throughout a class very quickly. It is recommended your child remain home until ALL of the blisters have scabbed over.
Signs and symptoms
Initial symptoms of chickenpox include fatigue, a mild fever, lack of appetite and a feeling of being generally unwell. This is quickly followed (usually within 24 hours) by the development of a red rash. The rash usually appears on the chest and/or back first, later spreading to the face, scalp, arms and legs.
Twelve to 48 hours later the rash develops into small red spots. These then turn into yellow blisters, which burst and dry up 3 - 4 days after they appear. There may be several crops of spots occurring over 4 - 5 days. The spots cause itching, which may be severe. They may occur all over the body including the mouth and genital area. Some people may have only a few spots whereas others will have hundreds.
Full recovery from chickenpox usually takes 7 - 10 days after the symptoms first appear.
Transmission and incubation period
The virus is spread in droplets of saliva through the air or by direct contact with the fluid from the blisters of the infected person. Coughing and sneezing are the most common modes of transmission, particularly in children.
Once infection with the virus had occurred, the incubation period (the time until symptoms appear) is between 10 and 21 days. The person is infectious from 2 days before the rash first appears until after the final crop of blisters have formed scabs, approximately 7 – 10 days later. The nature of the infectious period makes it very difficult to prevent the disease from spreading.