Kuratau School


Profiles of the schools BOT members

Fleur Ashford

Board Member - Health and Safety

General Information

Kia Ora

My name is Fleur and I have been living in Southern lake Taupo for about 34 years. In my professional life I’m the general manager at our Family run resort - Oreti at Pukawa. I’m very passionate about the area and love sharing it with our guests, and seeing my girls growing up enjoying this slice of paradise.

My daughter, Elizabeth, is in Year 2 and is the next generation to attend Kuratau. My brother and I also attended Kuratau School for our primary years. My youngest, Mackenzie, will start in 2023.

I look forward to supporting Shirley & the other BOT members to continue the tradition of Kuratau being a great country school, and feel privileged to help contribute what I can and grow for future generations.